02 May Does Matter Even Matter?
If you’re into smart home gadgets, you’ve probably heard of Matter. It’s a new technology that promises to unify all your devices under one network, regardless of the brand or platform. Sounds awesome, right? Well, not so fast. Matter has been hyped up a lot, but it’s not quite living up to the expectations. Here’s why.
First of all, Matter is still in development. It was supposed to launch in 2022, but it got delayed until 2023. That means that most of the devices that claim to support Matter are not actually certified yet. They might work with Matter in the future, but they might also need firmware updates or hardware changes. So don’t buy a device just because it has a Matter logo on it.
Secondly, Matter is not a magic solution for all your smart home woes. It’s not going to make your devices smarter, faster, or more secure. It’s just a common protocol that allows them to communicate with each other. You still need a hub or a bridge to connect them to the internet, and you still need an app or a voice assistant to control them. Matter is not going to replace your existing ecosystems, like Alexa, Google Assistant, or HomeKit. It’s just going to make them more compatible.
Thirdly, Matter is not going to support every feature or function of your devices. It’s only going to cover the basics, like on/off, dimming, color, temperature, etc. For more advanced features, like scenes, routines, automations, etc., you’ll still need to use the native apps or platforms of your devices. Matter is not going to give you more options or flexibility, it’s just going to give you more consistency.
So, what’s the bottom line? Matter is a promising technology that could make smart home devices more accessible and interoperable. But it’s not a game-changer that will revolutionize your smart home experience. It’s still in its early stages, and it has its limitations. Don’t believe the hype and don’t expect too much from it. Matter is not the ultimate smart home solution, it’s just a step in the right direction.