Home Security

March Madness is just around the corner, and just because you don’t have court-side tickets, that doesn’t mean you can’t get the full audio visual experience in your own home. From the thunder of the cheering crowd to the squeak of sneakers on the court, eInteractive’s surround...

If you spend your afternoon at work daydreaming about your ideal set-up at home; have planned a weekend away, but want to keep an eye on the kids, or are rushing to beat guests to your own dinner party, the last thing you want to...

In Manhattan, luxury multi-unit dwellings, or MDUs, are at the top of the NYC real estate market. But New Yorkers have a wealth of options, so it’s important to equip these luxury MDUs with head-turning, state-of-the-art amenities. When you want to stand out from the...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you're into smart home gadgets, you've probably heard of Matter. It's a new technology that promises to unify all your devices under one network, regardless of the brand or platform. Sounds awesome, right? Well, not so fast....

Wi-Fi devices have been becoming more and more abundant over the years and it will only be increasing over time. While the future of Wi-Fi devices looks incredible, it could also be concerning. Our current generation of Wi-Fi is moderately fast and can support a decent...

With more and more people having the opportunity to work from home, it's opened the door for smart technology to take a lot of stress out of a person’s day. This boosts productivity and helps promote a calm working environment. Automation While Working From Home Smart Home...

eInteractive: Tomorrow’s Smart Home Entertainment Systems in Your House Today! As society becomes increasingly reliant on technology in the workplace, it's easy for homeowners to dream of having a similar experience outside of the office. Adjusted screens, lights, surveillance, and music, all from the touch of...

With the start of the NFL season just around the corner, there are a number of things you can do to make sure you're fully prepared for another year of fantasy leagues, playoffs, and the Super Bowl. Beyond setting up your league, restocking the guacamole,...

In this day and age, your voice could literally mean power. With Savant Home Automation’s integration with Amazon Alexa, you can take control of your home, hands-free. Your home’s Amazon Alexa can now act depending on the commands you choose to use, which makes changing the...

There are few, if any, home security or surveillance systems that rely exclusively on non-digital technology. While a nice big padlock or an armed guard stationed in your front yard is "security" in the most generous sense of the word, such solutions are neither practical...